
Client Feedback about Duncan Leckie (names have been changed and written permission given to share)

“About two years ago I developed an extreme sense of claustrophobia. I was getting panic attacks in elevators, trains, buses any room with a locked door and any sort of enclosed space. I was also getting regular unprovoked panic attacks at a rate of about 3 or 4 a day, which led me to A and E more than once. I was given medication and CBT. It was still getting worse. I was despairing and it was having a significant impact on my life. Then I went to see Duncan. In our first meeting he explained why I was having these problems and what we were going to do about it. I cannot begin to describe how relieved I felt. After everything that was happening I could see no light at the end of the tunnel. So to be presented with a solution gave me the hope that I had been lacking. After the treatment I now get no more panic attacks and have made great strides with the claustrophobia. I can now cope so much better in enclosed spaces. Many situations that previously would have terrified me now bore me.

This has only been possible with Duncan’s help. The treatment was easy, relaxing and effective…I would recommend this to anyone with whatever issues you are having.”* AM – Anxiety

“I went to Duncan because I was feeling very lost, felt I wasn’t coping with day to day tasks that I used to find easy and enjoyable, and couldn’t find much enjoyment in life. I wasn’t sleeping well and would often wake up with racing thoughts and panic about work which was consuming me.

With Duncan’s help, I was able to understand why I was feeling the way I was, learn methods to reduce negative forecasting and anxiety and ultimately calm down enough to finally be able to sleep through the night which has been a huge relief. Initially, I’d been in a frame of mind that meant I was dubious about the whole process working at all: now I would recommended this process to anybody struggling in any aspect of their life.”* VL – Anxiety/Sleep

“Duncan is a very talented chap, I went to him with high anxiety and awful sleep patterns, with hynotherapy he helped me through that period. I have just got a new (dream) job and I couldn’t have contemplated even the interview before Duncan’s sessions. Highly recommended.”* KA – Anxiety/Sleep

“I started clinical hypnotherapy sessions with Duncan via Skype in March of this year…I did not realise how effective hypnosis could be online but soon came to realise that it is just like being in the same room…

…Duncan’s innovative approach to finding positives in everyday circumstances has revolutionised my thought processes. The sessions allow time to reflect and make sense of one’s emotions. The CD has proved invaluable as back up when my mood has dipped and I can use this at anytime to re-focus and rewire my thought processes into realistic, long term future thought patterns…Duncan enabled me to use them to start enjoying life again. I am now able to think differently, finding hope and opportunity in some of the most challenging situations. I am able to appreciate the simplest things in life again.”*  SP – Low mood

“I was dubious about seeing a hypnotherapist but was pleasantly surprised with the outcome
I felt that Duncan has helped me enormously and would have no hesitation in recommending his services.”* LL – Sleep difficulties

“I started with Duncan back at the beginning of the Autumn in 2014 and have just finished this January 2015. I can whole-heartedly say it has been a godsend. My relationship with a new partner in 2014 had brought about some severe anxiety within me, and was tending me towards depression, which family & friends had started to notice. When I came to Duncan, I was a 4/10 on a happiness scale. With this hypnotherapy of concentrating on positives each day, and a special CD to listen to each night as I went to sleep; within a month myself and others saw the change, a more relaxed me in general and able to cope, and by the beginning of January I had refocused my life, and made some serious changes to keep up a positive framework. The fifty-minute sessions each week with Duncan really helped drum into me with an easy touch all the important points this therapy was making. And now at the start of this New Year, I feel bold, happier & generally more at ease with the world & whatever it may bring.”*  SR – Relationship difficulties

“Duncan Leckie has a very calming, kind manner and I felt comfortable straight away.  I received hynotherapy to help me stop smoking.  I felt that Duncan gave me all the information without being judgmental which is important for people stopping smoking.  The hypnotherapy itself was powerful in that I felt the effects helped me stay positive with stopping smoking.  Duncan has a deep relaxing voice, which is literally hypnotising!  I still listen to the CD and this has helped me maintain the therapy up to now and I will use the CD for a long time to come.  I would recommend treatment with Duncan to anyone wanting a positive and helpful experience.”* MW – Quit Smoking

“I went to see Duncan as I needed help with being more assertive, thinking about my needs and my self-esteem. Hypnotherapy helped me a great deal and I am in a much better place. I say ‘no’ much more easily now and I am doing things for ‘me’ without feeling guilty. Duncan is a very easy person to talk to and he is not judgmental. He is very encouraging and a very easy, gentle person to be around. I would recommend him very highly.”* SA – Assertiveness

“After each session I was more self aware and more positive which made me a stronger person physically and mentally. The sessions also helped me to overcome worries about my professional life. In addition they made me feel more confident in other aspects of my life and gave me a more positive outlook on things. Each time I had a very pleasant experience in calm surroundings administered by a very caring person. With no doubt I would recommend that anyone with a hang up or phobia about anything to contact you as I am sure that you would be able to calm their fears and bring them into a more positive state of mind. I would also add that even if they are not suffering with any hang up or phobia, a hypnotherapy session every so often with Duncan would benefit anybody just to clear their minds and to help them deal with every day life situation.”* DM – Professional worries


* Individual results may vary and results cannot be guarenteed.

‘Hypnotherapy is effective, however results may vary and success in not guaranteed. Full client commitment is important. Please read Terms & Conditions for more details’.