
Along side my hypnotherapy, I have been a qualified Registered Nurse and for over 20 years and nursing has allowed me to go to exciting places and really make a difference. I started by career in Public Health working in Health Promotion with communities to help people improve their health for themselves. I was often amazed how people were able to make simple changes that positively affected their lives and of others.

I followed my dream of living and working overseas to the gorgeous beaches and sunshine of Sydney, Australia. There I was able to consolidate my nursing skills at Sydney Hospital on their specialist unit in hand plastics, ENT and surgical unit. It was there that I really developed my core nursing skills and very much appreciated the opportunities to work in this specialist area. Here I experienced how traumatic an emergency hospital admission can be for some people who will experience loss or change in body image and the support they need in coping with this change.

Recovery Nursing

By chance I was given the opportunity to spend a shift in operating theaters and fell in love with this side of nursing that I had not experienced since University training. From that shift I knew that I wanted this area to become my specialty. I really enjoyed being able to make an immediate difference if someone was in pain, nauseated or needed urgent help and operating theatres can be very scary for patients so even a simple smile can be a much needed lift for those waiting for theatre or on return to the ward. One highlight for me was looking after a son who had donated a kidney to his father, returning the son to the ward and then looking after his father who had received his kidney and both did so well in their recovery and discharge from the hospital.

On returning to the UK I have worked all over London as an recovery nurse in the busy teaching hospitals such as Guy’s and St Thomas’s, Chelsea and Westminster and Royal National Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital. Moving to Bristol was a new challenge and decided to change my working environment and develop new skills as a clinical advisor for the NHS ‘111’ service. This drew together all of my learning when assessing people over the telephone who were often distressed and needed help and a speedy assessment.

Throughout my nursing career I have enjoyed making a difference and considered myself lucky to have been in a position to do so. I feel hypnotherapy is a natural progression and using all of my skills in helping people make those changes they wish to make. Call 07879 353 886 to book in for an Initial Consultation.

‘Hypnotherapy is effective, however results may vary and success in not guaranteed. Full client commitment is important. Please read Terms & Conditions for more details’.